26 Videos
0 Quizzes
0 Worksheets
4 Files
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
How To Use The Video Library
1 legged forward hop and lateral bound with up & under finish
1 legged hold with normal finish
1 legged lateral bound with spin finish
1 legged side-to-side jumps with power finish
Blind reaction ball toss (1 foot)
Blind reaction ball toss (facing backward)
Blind reaction ball toss (facing forward)
Blind reaction ball toss (split stance)
Forward & Reverse lunge with up & under finish
Forward bounding knee tucks
High side-to-side jumps over ball (2 feet)
Quick ankle pops (1 foot)
Quick ankle pops
Quick front-to-back jumps (1 foot)
Quick front-to-back jumps
Quick side-to-side jumps (1 foot)
Quick side-to-side jumps over ball (2 feet)
Quick side-to-side jumps
Split stance exchange with spin finish
Split stance jump with power finish
Split stance with normal finish