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Move 1: The Off-Hand Attack
Move 2: The Inside Hand Push
Move 3: The Step Slide
Move 4: The Stop Cut
Move 5: The Shoulder Pump Fake
Move 6: The Quick Swing
Move 7: The Armpit Attack
Move 8: The Straight Line Reverse
Move 9: The Veer
Move 10: The Fake Screen-Away
Move 11: The Inbounds Steal
Move 12: The Fast Break Distraction
Move 13: The Haircut
Move 14: The Action Step
Move 15: The Magic Johnson Back Down
Move 16: The Swim Push
Move 17: The Beilein One Hand Pass
Move 18: The Quick Pass
Move 19: The Stutter-Step Euro
Move 20: The Extended Cross
Move 21: The Dribble Jab-At